Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Mother of all Beards

It's almost mid-May, and "The Beard Growth Project" is still alive. It keeps defying my expectations. Even though my wife has a love/hate relationship (more hate than love) with my facial hair, she is still not demanding me to shave it all off. Go figure. Work isn't getting in the way of my beard growth either. They can't very well tell me to shave. There's nothing in the dress code or anything else that I signed when I took on the job that says "no giant, stupid looking, sparsely follicle'd beards allowed".

It is starting to pose a problem with my eating though. The moustache part of my beard keeps ending up in my mouth when I go to eat something. So I'm constantly having to pick my own facial hair out of my mouth. Also, it tends to collect crumbs and condiments rather easily. After today's breakfast, I actually had egg on my face. But hey, this could be a blessing in disguise. Eating might become so troublesome that I might start losing some weight.

One can only hope.

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