Thursday, April 24, 2008

TBGP - Still Pondering

I'm still pondering the ultimatum my wife gave me a couple of days ago. Which explains this rather pensive picture. I have to say, having a beard to stroke while thinking is very relaxing. Actually, some of my best ideas have been sprung forth due to some intense beard stroking. It's like I'm masturbating my brain and the climax is an idea. A little dirty, but that's how my mind works sometimes. . . .

So, still thinking on what to do with this. She likes it, but she complains about it. Maybe I can start conditioning or moisturizing my facial hair. Make it smoother. Anyone care to leave a comment as to what I should be using? Anyone even reading this blog? Haha! That's OK. I don't do this for popularity. Rather my own innate curiosity.

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