Friday, February 1, 2008

The Beginning

"The Beard Growth Project" is something that I've been thinking about for a couple of weeks now. I have a notoriously slow facial hair growth rate. And even when it comes through, it's fairly weak. It's been looking fuller lately. I think I'm finally reaching puberty at the tender age of 28. Well, I'm almost 29, but this blog is not about how old I am. The picture below is me beardless. I had been growing a beard pretty much since mid-December. Partly because I'm too lazy to shave my facial hair every couple of days. But also because beards come in handy in the winter times. It's like wearing a sweater on your face. Albeit, a not so effective or warm sweater, but it helps on those cold mornings when I have to show up at work at the ungodly hour of 5 AM.

There are couple of rules to "The Beard Growth Project". Starting today, February 1st 2008, I will not shave the hair on my face. That does not include neck hair. That I will keep a regular shaving regimen on. I don't like neck-hair. It's kind of itchy and rather unsightly. I will take daily pictures of my facial hair with the webcam on my MacBook. It's not the highest quality or the best resolution per say, but it does the trick. And there's no clumsy shot after shot of trying to get the right picture as if I were to use my regular digital camera. And, that's pretty much it for the rules.

When it finally comes time to bid a fond farewell to my facial hair, this blog might end. Or it might evolve into something completely different. Maybe I can showcase different facial hair configurations. Whatever. I'm not even thinking that far ahead.

I know, I have the "deer in headlights" look locked down.

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