Friday, February 29, 2008

Hell Week Over - Beard Survives

Hell week is what I'm currently referring to the last week of the month where I work. It's when everything is coming to the wire, we're scrambling to get collections, and the managers start to ride your ass just a little bit harder. I guess the big thing is that our dept is currently second in place (and we pretty much ended that) as far as the regions go, and we were pretty close to nudging out our competition. From what it looked like today, it looked like Brea (the other site) will win out and Pasadena (where I work) will have to concede defeat. It might change over night though. There are a lot of payments that have not as of yet cleared because they are going to be part of today's numbers. All week long I've been working my ass off, trying to not tear this beard of my face in frustration. But, it's still here. And it is, officially, 1 month old. It's adorable to say the least. Tomorrow is a new day, and a new month for "The Beard Growth Project". The sky's the limit . . . or in this case, my genetic predisposition to not grow hair on my face would be the limit. Genes schmenes. I might think about using some of those products on the Google Adsense advertising that's on the sidebar . . . hmmm . . . feel free to click to learn more if you're looking to grow a mighty beard like this one.

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